The provisions of Canon IV.1.2-4 recognize the right of a bishop of a diocese as the chief superintendent in matters ecclesiastical within a diocese and as the “ordinary” of the...
In the Church of England every archbishop and bishop has a court for the trial of ecclesiastical causes within his diocese, called the consistory court, which is held by the chancellor...
[5] 악의 평범성을 발견하다 암흑기의 교회: 복음주의 운동을 유혹한 악을 이해하고 저항하는 것 마이크 코스퍼 1960년 5월 11일 오후 8시 5분, 리카르도 클레멘트는 부에노스아이레스에 있는 메르세데스 벤츠...
The author notes that the great rupture goes back to the mid-1960’s, marked by a decline... of ecclesiastical letters. (DS 138) Pope Liberius confirms this excommunication of St....
There he became an apprentice with a firm of ecclesiastical architects and took evening classes in stone masonry and calligraphy. Gill abandoned his architectural training and set up a business...
the Ecclesiastical meaning of the highest place, or Heaven, comes from. Zion is precious to... of a really extraordinary God doing what only He can do through really ordinary people who love...