for extended periods of time. Patients should be further evaluated if insomnia does not remit within... results of a randomized, controlled clinical trial Hypertension, 48 (2006), pp. 838- Jung, W.; Park...
############## Summaries, Highlights, and Action items: Design, implementation and evaluation of an LLM-powered meeting recap system SUMIT ASTHANA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA SAGIH HILLELI...
particle of completed action 9 我 NGO5 our, us, i, me, my, we 10 中 JUNG1 JUNG3 central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 11 大 DAAI6 big, great, vast, large, high...
Patients—and their role in education—have always been of interest to educators, even as those patient activities may or may not have been in the direct purview of those designing and implementing curricula....
2 Advisory professor at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology 2004.3~2006.7 Organizing committee, International SoC Conference 2003, 1. 21 - 24 Program committee, ASP-DAC 2003, (Asia...
Read Strunk and White, Elements of Style. Again. Give the paper to somebody else to read.... Reporting Numerical Results and Simulations In all but extended abstracts, numerical results...