weights and a brief explanation based on their descriptions translated from Russian. FI_ADV: -0.2509284637 -This factor determines that there is advertising of any kind on the page and...
text extracted from the image includes a mix of Korean and English. It appears to be a flyer or an announcement... it translated into English? 이미지에서 추출한 텍스트는 한국어와 영어가 혼합되어...
But they were from Connecticut and went to Yale, weren’t in fact common people at all. Their patriarchs included a banker and a senator. I think Bush was calling on his equivalents on...
These products often seem to be mentioned in the vicinity of the attributes translated in... The following attributes could be extracted from the manufacturer text: Age/longevity: The...
I would much prefer to examine the productivity around innovation and begin from there. Now, perhaps a discussion about what constitutes productivity should also be involved, but...
be extracted from the urine whose color is golden and which is sufficient. Thus, he... epic is a void matter. translated by p.s.h https://www.hankyung.com/opinion/article/2021062395871