쇼 extraneous 외부에서 오는 ous ~성질/특질을 지니고 있는 extraneous aid 외국에서 오는 원조 aid 도움, 원조 extraneous interference 외국/외부의 간섭 extraneous noise 외부의 소음
Why not devote a little attention to the far more delicate machinery of the mind, especially as you will require no extraneous aid? It is for this portion of the art and craft of living...
debate -EXTRANEOUS AID=외부원조, EXTRANEOUS ROOT=수학의 무연근 (대박!) cf_SYLLABUS [|sɪləbəs] (syllable은 음절이라는 뜻이므로 주의~) -교수요목(수업계획안) →This is...
extraneous risk [익스트레이너스] : 부가위험[부가특약] extraneous aid : 외부 원조 3. address v. ~에게 통지하다 contract addressed to one or more specific persons : 한사람 혹은...
extraneous aid 외부원조 surge 밀려들다, 급등하다, 치밀어 오름, 급증, 서지(전류나 전압이 순간적으로 급격히 높아지는 것) She felt a sudden surge of anger. 그녀는 갑자기...
To produce this same effect by means of the Spectacle is less artistic, and requires extraneous aid. Those, however, who make use of the Spectacle to put before us that which is merely monstrous and not productive of fear, are wholly...