Extraordinary Things to Cut Out and Collage 여러분만의 다이어리, 생일카드 그리고 스페셜한 스티커를 활용하여 콜라주 해보세요 ! 사람,예술, 문화, 가정 용품, 자연, 세계, 알파벳 등의 범주로 구분되어 있는 이...
Jody Williams believes extraordinary things can happen when ordinary people decide to take action. Her own activism led to a 1997 international treaty banning landmines and to a Nobel...
The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman From the beloved, bestselling author of The Dovekeepers, a mesmerizing new novel about the electric and impassioned love between two...
[Washington Post] Ukraine has an extraordinary chance to turn things around UKRAINE’S POLITICAL elite has repeatedly blown chances to stabilize the country and ensure its independence...
Check small things. Extraordinary people learn to delegate effectively. That can be scary, because it requires trust. You can't possibly check everything you've delegated, but you can...
The history of the human race is the history of ordinary people who have overcome their fears and have accomplished extraordinary things. -Brian Tracy 인간 종족의 역사는 두려움을 극복하고 비범한 일을 성취한...