(2) Commission Decision 2007/506/EC of 21 June 2007 establishing the ecological criteria for the award of the Community eco-label to soaps, shampoos and hair conditioners (OJ L 186, 18....
For example, Canada’s CANDU reactor, a proven common design, can burn the fuel from U.S.... Nuclear power is great in theory, but not so great in practice, and it wasn't the anti-nuke...
Standard Practice For Determining Chemical Resistance Of Thermosetting Resins Used In Glass-Fiber-Reinf Orced Structures Intended For Liquid Service ASTM C703 ; Spalling Resistance Of...
And “Atomic Superyacht to Offer $3 Million Eco-Tours With Scientists” (Bloomberg). 3.... "Excess mortality is computed relative to the baseline obtained using linear extrapolation...
(struggle for victory) → agonize(몹시 괴로워하다, 몹시 괴롭히다) aim > 목적(aim) → aimless(목적 없는) akos > 치료(cure) → panacea(만병통치약) alarm > 불안(두렵게) 만들다...
base for social-media platforms, streaming services, computer games, music, fashion, smartphones, apps, and all kinds of other goods, from motorized skateboards to eco-friendly water...