Extravasation in the context of renal injury typically occurs when there is leakage of urine or other fluids around the kidney, often due to trauma or damage to the renal vessels. #SICU...
Extravasation injury from chemotherapy and other non-antineoplastic vesicants. https://www.medilib.ir/uptodate/show/2797 (15 April 2023, date last accessed) https://www.medilib.ir/uptodate/show/2797 5. Mader...
Extravasation Injury Management IntroductionAimsDefinition of termsRisk factorsAssessmentManagementSpecial considerationsCompanion documentReferencesEvidence table Introduction...
--> ischemia, tissue injury Hyperosmolar solutions : exert osmotic pressure --> lead to compartment syndrome extravasation injury 의 정도는 다양한 요소에 의해 영향을 받음 pain, swelling, local...
일혈(extravasation)은 조직 손상(tissue injury)을 일으키고 약물(medication), 부위(site) 및 노출 시간(length of exposure)에 따라 괴사(necrosis)라고도 하는 조직 사망(tissue death)을...
Nafcillin extravasation injury. Use of hyaluronidase as an antidote. Am J Dis Child. 1981 Dec;135(12):1113-4) 정리하면, 히알루론산분해효소 (Hyaluronidase) 는 항암제 (Vinca alkaloid), 수액제제, 항생제 등 다양한...